5 min read

What Is a Performance Review, and Why Do They Matter?

Performance reviews aren’t what they used to be — and that’s not a bad thing. After many companies ...

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5 min read

What Is a Performance Review, and Why Do They Matter?

Performance reviews aren’t what they used to be — and that’s not a bad thing. After many companies ...

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Performance reviews

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Employee Reviews
Performance Reviews Performance Management

This article on common mistakes to avoid during employee reviews was originally published in September 2020 and updated...

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6 min read
How to Incorporate Self-Evaluations in the Performance Review Process
Performance Reviews Performance Management

We’re all familiar with semi-annual or annual performance reviews — managers rate direct reports’ performance, discuss...

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6 min read
Are Performance Reviews Effective? The Value of Employee Performance Reviews
Employee Engagement Performance Reviews Performance Management

We’ve made it to performance review season once again. The end of the year is traditionally the time when managers and...

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6 min read
Employee Reviews: How to Approach Your Next Performance Review Season
Performance Reviews Performance Management

Annual performance reviews have a reputation for being ineffective. Even most CEOs say their review process does not...

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7 min read
8 Employee Performance Tools to Measure, Monitor, and Improve Productivity
Goal Planning & Alignment Employee Engagement Performance Reviews Performance Management

How are you monitoring and measuring productivity at your company? If you aren’t, or if your methods are inconsistent,...

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7 min read
3 Main Purposes of Employee Review Software
Performance Reviews Performance Management

Employee reviews have gotten a bad reputation, with only 14% of employees saying their reviews inspired them to do...

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8 min read