Recruiting & Hiring

Top HR & Recruiting Resources to Use in 2018

February 5, 2018
8 min read
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Performance Management, Supercharged


While everyone is setting their 2018 goals, now is also a great time to refresh yourself on key learnings from 2017. So, we’ve pulled together a curated list of our most sought after articles and resources. From these, we’ll draw 2017 trends and conclusions to inform your talent success strategy moving forward.

2017 Standout Blog: Performance Review Questions to Ask Your Employees

Managers don’t always have a knack for management. In fact, a surprising amount of leaders in the workforce are placed in leadership positions without any formal training. So it’s no surprise when performance review time rolls around the corner, managers are unsure on exactly what to do and aren’t always prepared to lead this process effectively and confidently. For any manager, experienced and not, here are some performance review questions you need to be asking…

Recommended For 2018: With performance review questions being our most sought after article on the blog, we recommend conducting a quick audit of your performance review process to make sure these top questions, or variations of these questions are included in your structure. Do you see holes in your process? ClearCompany can help you create a performance review process based on building A Players in no time! Talk to an Expert.

Take a look back at @ClearCompany's top blogs and resources from 2017 to improve your HR and #recruitment strategy this year!

2017 Goal is Overdue: Diversity Statistics That Will Make You Rethink Your Hiring Decisions

Companies need diversity. It helps them think with a wider breadth of perspectives, creates a more innovative culture, and gives them access to the potential revenue gains from employing people who can contribute different things to the bottom line. Have you started making the case for a diverse team? If not here are some statistics to to pay attention to...

Recommended for 2018: If you didn’t focus on diversity in 2017, make 2018 the year you do. Even if you have collaboration efforts in place, interview and candidate bias are still possible during the early stages of recruitment. Take action to ensure that your hiring teams understand how to be more inclusive to not only increase diversity, but to find the best new hires. Whether it’s creating a blind interviewing process or changing where you post your jobs, take one concrete step towards a more diverse workplace this year.

2017 Performance Culture Shock: 17 Mind-blowing Statistics on Performance Reviews and Employee Engagement

Employees are constantly looking to improve themselves and are looking for timely, specific and helpful feedback. Don’t use the annual performance review as your only opportunity to tell your employees what's working and what's not. Instead, truly engage with them by conducting more effective performance meetings with tracked performance. Supercharge performance with these statistics to improve your review process and increase engagement...

Recommended for 2018: The new year is focusing even more on employee engagement, and more importantly, employee experience. Performance reviews are a great way to make sure you are providing your employees with the feedback they need and allowing them to solicit feedback to you. This year, implement a 360-review process to provide an employee experience that’s valuable to your team and to increase performance in your organization.

CC-Sourcing-Fact-Social-Image2017 Best Practices Award: Diversity Sourcing: 5 Best Practices to Keep in Mind

Higher revenue, better job performance, a more trusted employer brand and an increased customer base are just a few of the benefits of a diverse workforce. Recruiting diverse talent is only possible through either attracting diversity or seeking out diverse candidates initially. Keep in mind these best practices when sourcing...

Recommended for 2018: Diversity goes deeper than just interviewing and onboarding. When sourcing candidates, it’s important to make sure your search allows for a diverse talent pool. Tools like ClearCompany can make it easier for you to source, but understanding the sourcing practices used by experts will get you even closer to your diversity goals in 2018.

Closer Look at 2017: Strengths & Weaknesses of HR Managers Unveiled

Why has HR traditionally gotten the cold shoulder, and why is there article after article on the topic of guiding HR leaders to a seat at the table? One study found that the average overall leadership effectiveness of HR leaders is 6 percentile points lower than the average of others. Look at these strengths and weaknesses to see how you stack up...

Recommended for 2018: With new technology and practices entering the HR world this year, looking at the strengths and weaknesses of you and your team is even more important. Focus on training this year and make sure that your team can measure up. With the workforce getting more competitive, it’s crucial to keep HR at the cutting edge of people operations. One way to do that? Start creating game-changing measurements like Quality of Hire.

2017 Interviewing Resource: 9 Practical Interview Questions Today's Heavy Hitters Use To Dominate

Companies like Apple, Amazon and Netflix dominate today’s business headlines with stories of the next best tech gadget and indestructible business models, but more and more these companies are innovating the world of HR, too. Take note and use their tactics to benefit your team! In order to hire the right candidate, here are the questions you need to be asking...

Recommended for 2018: Streamline your interview process by choosing the right questions and then use those to standardize your interviews. Why? Because your candidates deserve a streamlined experience that gives everyone the same shot. How to Interview Like a Champ.

2017 How To: Giving Employee Feedback at Work: 5 Essentials

While giving and receiving feedback can be uncomfortable at times, when embraced and structured, feedback becomes one of the strongest processes in driving success. We’ve all been frustrated and demoralized by poor feedback practices, so let’s talk about how to get it right. Here are 5 essentials you need to give the best feedback possible...

Recommended for 2018: Consistency in feedback. While learning how to deliver feedback to your employees is important, delivering it consistently is what will improve performance, increase engagement and make you a better leader. Once you’ve reached your feedback consistency goal , start training managers in your company on how and when to deliver feedback. Here is a comprehensive performance management system to help keep you organized.

2017 Interviewing Tips: 10 Unique Candidate Screening Questions You Should Always Ask

We know you’ve seen them, the 10,000 articles out there about candidate screening questions. With so many how to articles and best practices out there, it’s tough to know tactics deserve your attention. Therefore, we invite you to screen your candidates to find the best hires by asking these questions...

Recommended for 2018: It’s time to pay attention to not only the best questions to ask, but what you should no longer be asking. Legislation about salary questions and black box questions are just some aspects to consider when conducting screening and interview questions. And while you’re evaluating your interview process, consider building video screening into your process to streamline!

2017 Deep Dive: Identifying the Root Cause of Poor Performance

Many businesses become so absorbed with productivity and numbers that they don’t attempt to root out the common problems of their workplace and instead, compensate with short-term solutions. Or they fire and forget without trying to get employees back on track. Here’s how to find the actual cause of poor performance...

Recommended for 2018: You know the cause of poor performance, but now it’s time to figure out what to actually do about it. Get together with your team and even the employees in question and ask what they need in order to succeed. Knowing the root cause is only half the battle. Use this knowledge to create a Performance Improvement Plan you can use with every employee who needs improvement so there’s no ambiguity.

2017 Creating New Plans: 4 Pillars of a Successful Performance Management Plan

Whether you’re new to leading a team at your organization or have been in a management position for a while, trying to lead a group of people to success can be a daunting task. Where do you start? What’s the best approach for meeting company and individual goals? See how you can improve your performance management plan...

Recommended for 2018: Take this time to observe the success of the plan you put in place. When you created your performance management plan, you likely created processes, selected technology to support it and built in check-ins to ensure you were on the right track. However, the one pillar that always seems to get missed in the ramp up, is that of solid metrics to measure success and how to retain your employees. If you, too, missed this crucial step the first time around, take the time in 2018 to build in performance metrics that matter, so you can see your progress.

Start this year by understanding the essentials that make your team and company the best it can be. Want to start implementing the best practices discussed above? Check out what ClearCompany has to offer through our Talent Management System, and schedule your demo today.

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