Recruiting & Hiring

What You Can Do to Attract HiPo Candidates

January 10, 2017
4 min read
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Performance Management, Supercharged


We’re always on the search for new talent. Someone who can provide a fresh look at current processes or fill gaps in departments with specialized skills. In the past, that would mean classified ads and help wanted signs, but today, in the digital era, that isn’t the case. The new workforce is not only finding you in new ways, their new outlook is changing the way they select who receives their resume.

Updating the candidate experience for better engagement can be challenging to navigate, but the benefits are astounding. Below are some small changes that can provide great reward in the way of attracting high-potential candidates:

Learn More: Competencies in Job Ads Determine Candidate Quality: Here’s How

Optimize Pages

Studies show that more candidates are searching for jobs via mobile. About 28% of job seekers use a smartphone as part of their job search, and that number is only expected to rise. The bottom line is if your job pages aren’t optimized, you’re missing out on a candidates, many of which are probably highly qualified and skilled.  

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.png Optimizing your pages is the start to attracting high-potential candidates. Try these additional tips:

Close Positions Quickly

Everyone dreads waiting, especially when it comes to a possible job or career. This is their livelihood, after all. The actual speed at which you respond to a candidate can be the difference of an accepted job offer and one left on the table. A recent study revealed that slow response times were one of the top reasons most candidates lost interest and went on to pursue other opportunities. Overall, 23% of candidates will move on to other pursuits if they don't hear back within one week, and another 46% after just two.

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.png Is your response rate (or lack thereof) the direct result of losing top candidates? Read this:

Continue to Engage

Just because a candidate wasn’t the right fit for a certain position, doesn’t mean they aren’t valuable. Take the time to keep them in the loop either by monthly newsletters, a talent community or even personalized communications explaining future interest can make a big difference. Make sure they know when other opportunities arise, and keep note of where you feel they may fit in best.

Let Them Grow

Letting candidates know what you have to offer by way of benefits and perks is important, but don’t rest on your laurels. The priorities of candidates have also gone through great changes, so it’s not always about open offices and great benefits. Growth and development opportunities are a key motivator and something that today’s workforce cherishes. In fact, 25% of employees have stated that professional growth opportunities are one of the most important benefits an employer can offer.

Use What You Already Have

In other words, don’t overlook your current employees. Encourage your employees to help spread the word. Almost half (49%) of employees would recommend their employer to a friend, which is great because 72% of people are more likely to trust sentiments that come from family and friends. Additionally, these referrals usually make more successful hires since the referer understands the person and your culture and you have a way of understanding their capabilities on a more personal level before ever meeting.

Read More: Don't Let Stranger Things Happen to Your Hiring Process

Today’s worker is always a little different from yesterday’s. Instead of letting your candidate experience go stale, download our checklist to learn how you can create a better candidate experience for tomorrow's workforce.

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