Onboarding Performance Management

Performance-Based Training = Higher Engagement & Improved Employee Behavior

February 18, 2019
3 min read
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Performance Management, Supercharged


What is Performance Based Training: The What

It’s really easy for companies to get into a traditional onboarding and training routine and never update it. You’ve laid the foundation, so why fix something if it works? But what if it’s not working? When you really take a step back and look at your employee's overall performance and goals...are they hitting those goals? Have they applied anything they’ve learned from training or even their onboarding? Is their performance lacking and hurting the end goal? Often times it’s difficult to measure their success if you don’t set up your training, development and application foundation correctly.

“Only 27% of employees think their performance management is effective enough to help them develop necessary knowledge and skills.” 

- The Human Capital Institute

So what makes Performance-Based training so important? It’s the upgraded version of your basic learning and development courses. You’re no longer just looking at their job function and offering the baseline of knowledge and tools; it’s looking at what you want to see from your employees as individuals,  a team, and an overall company. Taking an in-depth look into your expectations, giving constructive feedback, offering the tools to reach these goals, and teaching new skills to maintain and exceed expectations.

Benefits and Perks: The Why

The result for many is seeing a good ROI from your employees’ work. The connection between learning and development to performance and outcomes is strong. So strong that organizations are investing in systems to help reestablish their L&D to track, maintain and obtain successful results.

#PerformanceBasedTraining is more than your basic #onboarding. It’s creating a foundation for executive performance and higher engagement. Find out how @ClearCompany can help your team implement it today:

How does enforcing and reestablishing your learning and development to a performance-based training approach impact your employees? It creates a sense of focus, maps out goals, and gives direct feedback to individuals for them to follow and keep up with. Not only does it give them the advice and direction they need, but your managers can also identify what skills are needed to be taught and strengthened for employees to succeed in their roles and performance to deliver the best results.

How does this improve culture, engagement, and retention? Employees' interest is spiked when opportunities arise that offer something of value to them, personally and professionally. Learning and development courses better engage them when it relates to issues or skills they want to work on and improve to help their performance. Giving them the right resources to ignite that fire in their work again and help them grow as individuals and as a team member boosts employee engagement, behavior, and motivation.

Did you know?

53% of companies plan on implementing employee engagement solutions in 2019.”

Implementing: The How

How can you implement this new approach to ensure your team and employees get what they need? Companies are investing in employee performance management technologies and software that are designed around the unique roles that make your team and organization successful. With ClearCompany’s employee development management tool, your leaders and employees gain the right insight to track goals, give real-time feedback and make those crucial talent management needs. This will enable your organization to hone in on what resources and skills each individual needs to improve performance, behavior, and ROI.

“Over the next 12 months, 64% of employees expect their spending on employee engagement technologies to increase (or significantly increase).”

ClearCompany’s management system allows your company to create a fully customizable system to fit your unique business needs. From building your own scales, questions, and sections to creating a multi-stage process including review, approval, and timed stages. This creates the ultimate performance-based training platform for your managers and employees to use throughout their entire journey within your organization.

Interested to see how your company could benefit from a performance-based training approach? Check out our free demo of our performance management software to help your team get started tracking, improving performance, and increasing ROI.

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