Between the endless mobile apps, system platforms and now wearable technology — to name a few — there are a multitude of “helpful” tools for your employees to get their jobs done. The perfect tech solution to create the best team just isn’t a reality; and there is such thing as too much technology in talent management. Leaders must create a balance between human interaction and technology for effective talent management leadership.
Frank Kalman, Talent Management Senior Editor, said:
“Technology, apps and the so-called “Internet of things” have reshaped people management’s ability to recruit, hire, retain, measure and develop employees.”
Defining the Issue
Developments in technology have boomed over the last two decades. As technology becomes more prevalent in our everyday lives, it’s expected to mushroom into the business world as well. Talent management is no exception.
The talent management software market grew by 17% last year and is now over $5 billion in response to the overwhelming desire for corporate automation. Yet, 49% of businesses say talent management is their top business challenge in light of expanding into new markets.
Companies still need a talent management system, but with a few checks in place first. On the current path, as Kalman continues, there will be a point where these tools will become distracting, impractical, and ultimately an unproductive use of time. Too many tools can negate the efficiency and practicality we’re meant to get from technology. However, with an agile system, organizations can integrate human interaction into the system to create a more functional platform
Do you know the signs of having too many tools in your talent management toolbox? Signs include:
● You have project managers for each system
● Your team moans and groans at yet another new implementation
● Mergers and acquisitions have left you with duplicate systems
● Your employees frequently lose important communication due to system overload
How to compensate
The greatest impact on your team doesn’t stem from the best tools or the latest platforms, it branches from human interaction. If your company has become preoccupied with the newest learning and development platform or other talent management systems, there are ways to augment the technology overload. Three priorities that differentiate top-performing teams include:
● High-impact activities and interactions - Talent management professionals should recognize where their team shows the most value. They can then prioritize those activities without the use of technology to oversee the projects.
● Activate top talent - Automated tools are perfect for measuring the capabilities of your employees but not always for maintaining accountability for the end results. Allow top talent to become accountable for their own actions in the workplace.
● Develop capabilities on the job - To get the highest return on talent, develop strengths through solving business problems on the job rather than through a strictly automated platform.
It comes down to the right choice
Ultimately, the platforms in your system are your choice. You have to assess your organization’s needs to determine the platforms that are the best fit for your teams. Talent management is shifting from monitoring talent in the company to the management of people.
The process of automation and integration to ensure practice-driven solutions has begun to change towards a system of engagement and empowerment through data-driven solutions. The new age of these systems is people management with technology as an amplifier rather than a crutch.
The best systems thrive on a balance between people and technology. The occupation of technology in the workplace has made it difficult to find that balance, but it’s important to be mindful of the benefits of using technology in the changing world of talent management. Choose the platforms that develop your talent management system into a well-rounded and people-centered tool to help your team perform at their best.