Recruiting & Hiring Employee Experience

Better Hiring Through Mobile: Harnessing the Mobile Interview [Part 5]

March 18, 2015
4 min read
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Performance Management, Supercharged


After deciding you need a better mobile application process, you’ve built your job ads and have started developing your brand the way you want to, done the work of socially sourcing your applicants, and built or outsourced your brand new mobile careers page. Your candidates can find your job postings, they like the way you’ve presented your company online, and can get in and out of the mobile application process in minutes. You have a good pool of candidates and want to start talking to them. But how can video interviews help? 

Video Interviews: Convenient For Candidates and Employers

When it comes to interviewing, mobile and video go hand in hand. Video interviewing is fast becoming one of the most well-liked and informative ways to talk to candidates, and its impact on how we gauge candidates should be given weight when designing your mobile hiring process. 

The benefits of video interviewing affect both candidates and interviewers alike. Candidates like video interviewing: 66% of candidates prefer it to the traditional in-person interview, for the following reasons:

  • 36% of candidates like that they can pick better times for interviews 
  • 21% of job seekers prefer not having to travel to the interviews
  • 20% of applicants think video interviewing is more personable than a phone or email interview
  • 18% of candidates simply prefer video interviewing’s overall convenience.

For the interviewer, the ease of use offers a number of benefits.

  • 88% of hiring managers say video interviewing reduces time-to-fill
  • 85% say video interviewing saves them money
  • 76% of recruiters and HR Pros say video interviews are easier to conduct than face-to-face or phone interviews
  • 74% of hiring managers say video interviewing makes their job easier

Mobile candidates are specifically prepared to take advantage of video interviewing, because they can search for, find, apply, and interview for your job all on the same device, without having to dedicate time to sitting in a centralized location. When you introduce the online and mobile aspect to the interview process, you allow the candidates to help you create a better interview that reveals more about that candidate and can help you more easily make your hiring decisions. This allows employers to create an entire hiring process that can happen easily via mobile, which is beneficial as the workforce becomes more remote. 

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-0174% of hiring managers say video interviewing makes their job easier.


Conducting a Better Video Interview

As local mobile searches begin to exceed desktop searches, candidates will begin using their mobile devices to find interviews with companies they like and make their interview experiences better. With a traditional interview, 43% of candidates research their employer on the way to the interview itself. With the remote nature of video interviews, candidates won’t feel the pressure of having to leave for their interview in a hurry, and can read up on the employer at their leisure, making for a more prepared interview in the long run. And for the candidates who are always on the move, mobile interview through video could allow them to interview while on the road or in transit, saving precious time. It also allows candidates to interview or screen during odd hours, which many passive candidates may find attractive.

And for candidates who get the jitters during a regular interview, video interviews could provide another benefit: pre-recorded interview answers. Candidates could take their time answering interview questions whenever they may have free time and between travel destinations, then submit those answers to the interviewer without feeling like they’re under the microscope. This would help with interviewing nerves, which 17% of candidates cite as the biggest worry going into a job interview. This means candidates present the best version of themselves to interviewers, and interviewers, in turn, get to see the real candidate.

Mobile is a great platform for conducting job interviews; it’s simply too convenient to ignore in cases where a face-to-face interview isn’t possible or practical. And with as much as it benefits both mobile job applicants and interviewers alike, there are plenty of reasons to integrate a video interviewing platform into your mobile application process. In the final part of our series, we’ll tackle how mobile can help onboard and retain your employees in ways you didn’t think possible.

Don't miss the rest of our Better Hiring Through Mobile series:

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