It’s a new year, but before we say goodbye to 2024, we want to take the time to look back at a historical year for ClearCompany.
In 2024, ClearCompany celebrated an incredible milestone — 20 years in business. Our twentieth year has also been one of the most significant in our history, marked by industry-leading product innovation and serious client growth.
- Introduced ClearInsights, a first-of-its-kind AI-powered talent analytics sidekick for HR and recruiters
- Named to the Inc. 5000 list of America’s fastest-growing private companies for the ninth straight year
- Released Source-to-Hire AI-powered recruiting tools including the AI Sourcing Engine, AI Talent Match, and the Virtual Recruiter chatbot for Career Sites
- Expanded our platform with ClearCompany Learning, enabling clients to offer training, upskilling, and reskilling opportunities throughout the employee journey
- Recognized as a 2024 Great Place to Work™
Behind all of these accomplishments are ClearCompany’s incredible people. Our teams are made up of hardworking, problem-solving, customer-oriented, and collaborative professionals who make our success possible.
Watch the video to see more of what we were up to this year. Then, follow us on social media and subscribe to our blog to keep up with ClearCompany in 2025 and beyond.
If only 2004 ClearCompany — or should we say, HRMDirect — could see us now…
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