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Applicant Tracking System Recruiting & Hiring

What Faults do our Hiring Processes Harbor?

January 28, 2016
6 min read
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Nobody has the perfect hiring process. The key to improvement on the matter is constant reevaluation of the practices at hand. How does your company hire new employees? Is your recruiting process tired? Burned out? Gasping for air? If so, consider incorporating a video interviewing process. Need some proof?
Video interviewing integration seems innovative now, but eventually, it’ll be a fact of life for most people in the working world. Studies estimate that by 2019, 80% of all internet traffic will be video, and 67% of all internet traffic will come from TVs, tablets and smartphones. So while video might be the latest and greatest recruiting tech tool now, eventually it will be a mainstay for recruitment departments.”- Sara Pollock, ClearCompany.
Of course, quoting ourselves might not convince you, since we’re so enamored with video interviewing, we’ve integrated it into our ATS for free. So we turned to the experts to identify outdated, tired and boring hiring processes. Who are the experts? Why, the candidates of course:
This question was originally posted on Quora:
Q: What is wrong with the hiring process? I think we all noticed that something is broken in the way people hire and get hired. Endless forms have to be filled, nothing is unified and GitHub, StackOverflow (for developers) or Dribbble (for designers) are not taken into consideration. What is wrong and how could it be fixed?
Jeff Schaffzin targeted communication as the main breech error committed on a faulty hiring processes:
“The reason why the hiring process is broken is because of a simple word - “communications” This can happen at any time during the hiring process and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible. For instance:
  • Hiring managers need to communicate why a position is available. It does not necessarily have to be included in the job description, but it should be made clear to ensure their candidates understand what is going on.
  • Hiring managers need to communicate what is truly needed to qualify for the position they are applying for. It is unrealistic to assume that a candidate will understand what is truly needed only to find out that she does not fit what is needed simply because the manager did not think about what was needed for such an individual.
  • Hiring managers need to communicate to the individuals who will be interviewing potential candidates what they should be looking for in an ideal candidate. There is nothing more frustrating than speaking with different individuals inside a company who have competing visions on what their ideal candidate should have. When that happens, no one wins because everyone has a different idea on what would make an ideal addition to a company.”

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.pngThe hiring process is broken because of one simple word.... Read more:


Jeff brings up good points; the time to improve your hiring process is now, before candidates get so frustrated they stop giving great companies (who happen to have outdated hiring processes) a chance. We’ve created simple ways to capture the true goals and performance of your internal employees so when it is time to create a new job description or job advertisement, it’s accurate and complete. Our ATS tracks recruiter and hiring manager behavior to spot bottlenecks and processes that may be out of compliance. According to a survey by Aberdeen Group, companies that track all of their applicant communications, are 40% more likely to be the best in their industry.

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.pngCompanies who track applicant communications are 40% more likely to be the best in their industry.


Jordan Jolley, Health Benefits and HR Expert, points to the tight time crunch recruiters face as a major culprit in ineffective hiring processes:
Hiring is an interesting thing, isn't it? In my opinion, most, if not all, companies have good intentions when they hire. They want to provide a good onboarding program and get new employees trained right -- but the reality of it is that time is the biggest culprit in the hiring process.
What I mean by this is that, whether you're a small business or a large corporation, there is always work to be done. So, companies skip over important aspects that are vital to an employee's onboarding process--resulting in a poor hiring process.
What companies need to do is take time now to make an employee the best they can and train them to be masters of their respective positions. It would result in higher quality work and diminish many future problems.”
When it comes to revamping your hiring process catering to your applicants is key. In this scenario, they are the customer. This is why we’ve built so many efficiencies into the ClearCompany platform. Of course these products (interview scheduling, video interviewing, sourcing modules for your ATS and social networks) make life easier for the HR professional or recruiter; but they also make the candidate experience exponentially better. Even our goal alignment module is designed to eliminate poor job descriptions and ineffective KPIs for specialized positions.

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.pngDiminish future problems and produce high-quality work by making these changes:


Video interviews allow organizations to adapt to the needs of the company and to the needs of candidates. Along with creating a better hiring process for people with busy schedules, video interviews also allow you to adapt to candidates you may not be able to reach otherwise. Even if a candidate isn’t within a reasonable travel distance, you still have the ability to adapt to their needs. And with the number of remote workers in the United States estimated to be as high as 30%, companies will have to accommodate remote candidates more readily in the coming years.”- Sara Pollock
The next time you’re evaluating your hiring processes, consider the ease and adaptability of a platform designed to take the drudgery and inefficiency out of hiring. Try out this free demo from Clear Company, you'll be surprised at how easy your hiring process could become!
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