Take a look at your current talent management strategy -- what do you see? Disengaged employees, poor management, lackluster culture? Well, the issues lie in your talent management. This series discusses some of the driving factors to an effective talent management system including what’s necessary to drive employee engagement. At the core of that talent management is employee engagement, and with a majority of leaders well-informed on the state of current engagement levels across the board, it’s time to reassess where the problem actually comes from.
Talent Management Level: Critical
The lack of an adequate talent management system has left many organizations in dire straits. The biggest problem with 60% of companies’ talent management systems is the insufficient amounts of consistent data and analytics to better their teams. Proper analytics can help organizations make better decisions in recruitment and employee management. Ruediger Schaefer, General Manager for Germany and Switzerland at Right Management, said:
“In fact, talent management has become so critical to business growth and economic progress that it is forcing organizations to re-examine how they attract, develop, retain, and engage employees and future leaders.”
In an effort to retain top talent, at least 60% of organizations have increased their investments in talent analytics. This numbers-based evidence will help companies ascertain where they can improve their talent management for higher success rates in recruitment, leadership, and retention.
Integrate Your Talent Management
The first step towards better talent management starts with integrating employee engagement throughout the talent lifecycle. What better way to do that than promoting personal development? Currently, 66% of employees feel they don’t have strong opportunities for professional growth at their company, and will leave an organization if the company doesn’t provide means for professional growth. To counter this, engage the team through development at each stage of their professional careers.
The growth of big data has led to even more integrated talent management systems. Organizations share data and motivate employees through allocated information. Engagement through all stages of the talent lifecycle -- recruitment, development, and retention -- become simpler when the team is engaged as a whole.
Create the Culture
Sustaining new and proactive talent management thrives on a change in culture. Tim Kuppler (@TimKuppler), Founder of CultureUniversity.com and Director of Culture and Organization Development for Human Synergistics, said:
“Are talent management and maximizing the contribution of every team member absolutely critical parts of how your organization operates? My guess, in light of the survey results, is that effective talent management is not a deeply ingrained aspect of the culture DNA in most organizations.”
Perhaps an underlying problem is that 64% of employees don’t feel they work for an organization with a strong company culture. It is difficult to fully buy into the company and be completely engaged in the work if you don’t understand the company culture or where you fit into that puzzle.
Talent management is currently a pressure point for many organizations. With big data becoming such a major part of the workforce and how we manage employees, using that information to it’s highest potential is still a major task. The investment in data-based talent analytics has grown, and the urge to understand data is clear. You can integrate your talent management system to leverage this information to help develop their team and foster a culture of development throughout the office. Through all stages of the talent lifecycle, a well-rounded and data infused talent management system can increase engagement and ease the pressure of juggling each developmental juncture for employees and the organizational leadership. A healthy workplace culture of engagement drives the notion of investment in employees and their managers throughout the company.