In order for your company to attract top talent and hire A Players, there needs to be an open and strong line of communication between all those who are involved in the hiring process. Without a strong collaboration and common ground between recruiters and hiring managers, the goal will fail, time and efforts will be wasted and it will result in a defeated recruitment process. Below are some pro tips to bridge the communication gaps and build a stronger and more efficient hiring team to ensure a successful recruiting process.
Transition to a Collaborative Hiring Process
Traditionally the manager of the department was the only one in charge of hiring and recruiting, but this has recently changed. The hiring process is transitioning to more of a collaborative approach. Collaborative hiring is when both HR teams and teams from other departments work together to find and hire A Players. Hiring and recruiting is a team sport and involves a collaborative effort from many members of your team. But who should be on your hiring team? This all depends on your company and the positions you have, but typically a recruitment team consists of recruiters and hiring managers.
Is your #hiring team's #communication process costing you top talent? See what pro tips @ClearCompany has to offer:Transitioning into a collaborative hiring process can benefit your team in many ways. It can improve your hiring process and the results by involving more people in the process and gaining more perspectives and different viewpoints. Allowing your employees to voice their opinions will make them feel valued and it will result in improved employee engagement. By implementing a team-based hiring process you’re creating a more open and collaborative company culture. By displaying a collaborative company culture to potential employees, it can improve the candidate experience.
Have Patience
The best candidates are off the market in as little as ten days. It is necessary to understand how important patience in recruiting is and how it will affect candidates in the long run if it’s not done efficiently and with full efforts from the team. Having patience will ensure your company won’t have to repeat any steps, slow down the process and risk losing out on top candidates.
The first point of contact between the recruiters and hiring managers requires patience and an adequate amount of time. Recruiters need to use this as their time to set expectations and fully comprehend the needs and demands of the job. The hiring manager needs to approach this as a very essential task and not overlook the importance it has on their job.
To guarantee a common ground is met, the team needs to take this time to sit down to discuss the position skills and qualities that are an absolute must and those that are not. It’s also important to understand what type of person will excel in the position you’re hiring for. Having patience and coming to an agreement in these two areas will attract A Players.
Get on the Same Page
Every industry has their own language or lingo. Recruitment is a recruiter’s life, so it’s easy for them to get lost in the jargon of the industry. To improve the process and attract the best candidates, recruiters and hiring managers need to understand the industry they are recruiting for and get on the same page through good communication. Here’s how to properly communicate with your hiring manager:
Instead of emailing, “I need more details,” say, “Do you have a few minutes to talk over the phone?” It is very easy to misinterpret what is trying to be communicated when done via text or email. Picking up the phone will get you the answers you need quicker and avoid the endless back and forth typing. If you invest more time and effort in the beginning, you’ll avoid having to do so later on in the process.
Instead of saying, “Please respond,” say, “You have until [time] on [date] to respond.” A clear response providing a concrete deadline will promise that you receive the necessary information on time and not risk losing candidates.
Instead of saying, “Your expectations are unrealistic,” say “Here is what the data says.” Hiring managers aren’t always aware of external factors, so using data will help set realistic expectations and provide facts to back up your concerns.
If the communication between your hiring team isn’t managed effectively, your company is likely to lose out on top talent candidates. Collaborative hiring is a must and will make a difference in your company. Reaching an agreement on how to communicate between teams, what lingo to use and having patience while doing so will create a smooth and seamless recruitment process and will be a win for your company in the end.
Following these pro tips can uncover the answers needed for a more efficient hiring process and achieve the results your company has been striving for.