Employee Experience

7 Predictions About the Future of Employer Branding

June 2, 2015
4 min read
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The misappropriation of employer branding responsibility has 41% of professionals believing HR has a relatively passive role in the process. The same 41% said they believe HR is only consulted or informed about employer branding, but doesn’t play a principal role in the actual process. The truth is, however, the recruiters and human resource experts are the forerunners of developing an organization’s name as an employer. How are HR professionals shifting the future of employer branding? There are 7 changes to employer branding to expect from the HR department over the next 5 years.

1. Branding objectives (Part 1) 

The immediate future of branding objectives will be more focused on a global outreach rather than local markets. This prediction hasn’t quite won the opinions of everyone just yet, considering 36% of HR pros strive for short-term recruitment needs and only 30% aim for executing long-term recruitment planning.

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.pngOnly 30% of HR pros aim for long-term recruitment planning. 


2. Measuring KPIs (Part 2)

Each company will measure their key performance indicators as they see fit. Many companies will focus on internal indicators like retention rates and new-hire quality rather than outside factors like external rankings and brand perception. Today, some of the most common KPIs include:

  • Average retention rate (46%)
  • New hire quality (45%)
  • Employee engagement level (45%)

However, in the next five years, the perception of branding is expected to slowly rise above the current 20% of KPIs.

3. Engagement from higher-ups (Part 2) 

HR and recruiters aren’t the only ones concerned with employee engagement. Company leadership and managers are beginning to hold themselves to the same standards of engagement to make it part of the company culture. In the next five years, 45% of CEOs expect no change in engagement among teams. While that does mean more than half of CEOs see an evolution in engagement, 50% of employer branding representatives don’t expect the engagement from top management to flux either direction.

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.png50% of employer branding reps don't expect engagement from top management. 


4. Attracting talent (Part 3) 

What’s going to attract talent to our organizations? Will we continue similar outreach practices? The answer: yes and no. Only 39% of CEOs say cultural fit is a top quality too look for in candidates depending on the position. A not so disparate 48% of HR professionals believe cultural fit is important to attracting new talent. However, a functional fit based on work experience is predicted to remain on the top of the list of needed qualities from new hires (58%).

5. Embracing candidate personas (Part 3) 

Currently, candidate personas are only popular among 44% of CEOs, arguably 69% say it will be more important within five years or more. Executives expect to use of persona-based recruiting in the future, if they aren’t already. Persona-based recruiting surpasses the importance of academic record and professional experience because companies are more attracted to personality and cultural fit.

CC-Click-ToTweetBird-01.pngCandidate personas are only popular among 44% of CEOs.


6. The Millennial shift (Part 3)

Nearly half (47%) of Millennials (making up 75% of the workforce by 2025) say they would sacrifice pay for a better work-life balance. Objectives among the Millennial workforce greatly differs from traditional or current workforce conditions. The workforce will need to adapt to these changes in the coming years. Alongside a better work-life balance, Millennials want to provide a “sense of purpose” in their work (60%), they want jobs which fit their personalities (32%) and the rise of soft values gaining importance among students is becoming a trend according to Universum’s Global Student Survey.

7. What’s your “type” (Part 3) 

The next question in futuristic business trends is what “type” of employee will recruiters be on the lookout for? Organizational management say the “leader type” is what organizations currently need (56%) because of the transition in the workforce generation domination. Within the next five years, 42% of respondents will continue to look entrepreneurs in addition to leaders (61%). The Outlook study discovered the upcoming high-demand for these types is for the sake of fresh ideas, spur innovation and higher employee satisfaction.

Stay on top of what trends are leaking into the office. What’s working now may not work in a short five years from now with new generations filtering in and older generations trickling out. Keep in mind what kind of hires your recruiters need to look out for, how you’re attracting talent, how you’re measuring KPIs and what your brand objectives are. Get your team to the drawing board to keep up with the changes in time.

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