
Posted by Colin Kingsbury

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Jan 29, 2007 10:07:00 AM

I'm settling back into the daily grind after attending last week's Talent Unconference, the brainchild of Jeff Hunter and graciously underwritten by his employer, Electronic Arts. 

Jeff was kind enough to ask me to co-host the Future Tech track with Sean Rehder of Talent Logistics, which unfortunately meant I couldn't attend any of the other excellent tracks. This was however mitigated by the great people who joined our sessions, including Yves Lermusiaux of Checkster,Hans Gieskes of H3, Neal Bruce of Monster, Wesley Wu of Towers Perrin,Gerry Crispin, Brad Kendall, and many others.

I will be posting more about the conference over at the TalUnCon Blogthroughout the week. Because it's an "unconference," all the video, presentations, and other content generated will be published in the open for everyone to enjoy.

Jeff Hunter has been unrelenting in his drive to change the way we talk and think about talent, and he is one of a very few people who could have pulled this event off so well. The attendee list was a stellar group of industry thought leaders and I look forward to all of us being able, ten or twenty years hence, to brag about being there at the beginning.