Meet an HRMDirect Client

Posted by Colin Kingsbury

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Oct 10, 2006 2:19:00 AM

I'm happy to introduce you to Pat Williams, who writes the Guerilla HR blog and is director of global talent management for Factiva, a Dow Jones/Reuters company based in New Jersey. He's also a client and in a recent post talked about how HRMDirect applicant trackinghelps Factiva improve their recruiting results. Hint: it's not just about reducing compliance costs.

The best sales calls we have are the ones with people like Pat, because they aren't really sales calls: they're conversations between managers who share a vision of how to solve a problem. Pat had worked with and implemented a variety of applicant tracking systems in previous lives, and learned what every veteran knows: they're too complicated to deliver on their most audacious promises, and too expensive for what they actually do provide.

A key part of our philosophy here at HRMDirect is what we call Focus On What Matters Most. Trying to solve every problem in one fell swoop leads to indecision and delay. This is reflected in Pat's post on achieving work-life balance:
Take a little time to assess just how much time and energy you are expending each day and examine if or how this exertion is helping you meet your goals. If it's not... it's time to make a course correction to a pure focus on YOUR GOALS! I'll bet keeping this focus will help you find the time you need for your family and your sanity.
There's also a great podcast at the Cranky Middle Manager where Pat talks about the real nitty-gritty of talent management for the next decade. It's a great riposte to anyone who says the smart choice for companies is to outsource it to the experts. It may be cheap but it won't help you be great.

Pat says good things about us because we help to make him look good. He rolled out an ATS in a matter of weeks for a great price without the huge process change and user adoption problems all the other vendors force on you. We've given him plenty of follow-up service too, but not any different than what every HRMDirect client gets with their standard subscription. So if you're on the fence about getting an ATS or which one to choose, let us know and we'll show you why one client stopped looking around the minute he saw us.